Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal 7

I have to say that this was one of the best articles that I have read.  To have the option to help design the school from the looks to what actually goes into the school is absolutely crazy to meet.  From the time that I was still in elementary school I had never thought that there would be a time where I was not using out dated media in the classroom or even outside of the classroom.  In Organ communities, principles, staff and teacher have a very big impact on the school.  Depending on what the school main focus is they tailor the school to fit that vision.  I think that being in such an innovative school will greatly help the kids out in all aspects.  They talk about test scores and how much better the scores where just because of the acoustics and lighting in the classroom was.  I think that their needs to be a group that does a study a whole bunch of schools and comes up with the data to school everyone.  With the facts on paper I feel that it will push the people in charge to step up renovations on their school instead of spending the money on nonsense.  I am in full suppose of give school the options to create the whole aspect of teaching.

1 comment:

  1. What article did you read? I sounds interesting. I must have missed this one. Again, please read the assignment requirements. I asked for the title and author(s) of the article.
