Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Journal 8

I think that the online classroom is one of the best things that could have ever happen to school.  I feel that it give s the child an upper hand in learning when it comes to doing it online.  I think that learning online teaches a child a source of discipline when it comes to working online.  I believe this because they have to make themselves do the work instead of having a teacher making sure that they work gets completed.  The way technology is coming about today it makes it easier for school to go with more of the online fact.  If it weren’t for Web 2.0 and all the different social sights out there things such as online classrooms would not be possible today.  I think that people’s biggest fear when it comes to online classes is the social aspect of school.  That’s one thing I feel that will be lost when online classrooms become more common in high school.  Besides learning the material there is a whole social aspect of school that need to be there.  So I think the fact that online classroom are available is good in all, but they need to come up with some type of social aspect to fill the void of what is missing when in an online classroom.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal 7

I have to say that this was one of the best articles that I have read.  To have the option to help design the school from the looks to what actually goes into the school is absolutely crazy to meet.  From the time that I was still in elementary school I had never thought that there would be a time where I was not using out dated media in the classroom or even outside of the classroom.  In Organ communities, principles, staff and teacher have a very big impact on the school.  Depending on what the school main focus is they tailor the school to fit that vision.  I think that being in such an innovative school will greatly help the kids out in all aspects.  They talk about test scores and how much better the scores where just because of the acoustics and lighting in the classroom was.  I think that their needs to be a group that does a study a whole bunch of schools and comes up with the data to school everyone.  With the facts on paper I feel that it will push the people in charge to step up renovations on their school instead of spending the money on nonsense.  I am in full suppose of give school the options to create the whole aspect of teaching.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Journal 6

I have to say that new technology is very cool. Students at this local school have to opportunity to oversee pine park and go over the geological aspects of the park with ne w age technology. Walking up and down the park they used to gather information on a dido sheet and then once they have gather all there information they then went ahead and hand imputed the information into a computer. Over time there was a new device that was build that was there to make the process more accurate. Before this product had come out people had to put the information in by hand to an excel spread sheet. After gathering the information to inputting it the system there were some mishaps or incorrect date being inputted? After the data was complete they had to come up with a cause and effect map showing all the data that they had collected. So after everything is said and down thing were much easier. What I meant by that is the simple fact of making thing a little digital it took a lot of the mishaps away from happening. Without this new technology it decrease the time the students had in the park gathering the necessary material to conduce what they were doing.

Journal 5

What is life today? Many people today depends some much on their phones and all the different technology today. When I was growing up the electronic era was just starting out so I got to experiences two different types of life. There was not electronic life where if I wanted to search or know about something I would have to go out and do all the different research in a Library. Next you have the technology era where everything is at your fingers tips. In the other life we had technology for everything from research, to chatting, online relationship and pretty much whatever you really wanted to do was all online. I do not understand how everything came about. It think if we try to live our lives without any time of cell phone, computer, pda or any other type of device that was use to communicate we would not know what do with ourselves. I have to agree with the article in the fact that we have lost our process of thought. With everything that we have out we do not really have to think to much because we have computers doing the thinking for us. I think that we need to get back to bases but still have the technology on the side for important stuff.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Journal 4

Blogs are the new age in and out of the classroom. I think that today it is very important the kids start to get familiar with blogs because in the later years they are going to become more traditional in and out of the classroom. As I have started learning in EDU 422 blogging is a great way of communication with other classmates. If gives you the ability to say and express how you feel without having the face to face contact that at times maybe a little scary at times. You are allowed to express how you are feeling about something to your full potential. With that said when writing or replying to a blog there needs to be standards that need to be follow so that things do not get out of hand. Things can get out of hand because your are free to express yourself and blogs allow you to do that. So before you allow your students to jump right in your need to set the standards and let them know what will and will not be acceptable to post. Examples need to be shown so students know what is expected of them. With all this said, done and being followed, blogging with become a more house used technology.

Journal 3

I think that the way technology today is view is different from the way people view it back in the early years. I say this because each year technology evolves and grows into something different. Like the article was saying back in the day cars were technology but now they’re not. Next you have website when they first came out were known as technology but now there now. So technology is always changing. So with today’s technology you can see the ability it has to be used in the classroom and I highly agree. I agree because it incorporates what kids do outside of school on a consistence basis and tie it into a classroom setting. I feel that the best technology that should be used in the classroom is the micro blogging or a.k.a twitter. Twitter is the new Facebook/MySpace. It’s an interactive tool that allows you access to so many different people right at your finger tips of your cell phone. So once kids leave school they are still tie in and learning 24/7. Having kids always having to be updating and reading every so often kids will always being kept on their toes and learning. As long as it is presented right you are going to be seeing a lot more technology being incorporated in the classroom in the future.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Journal Number Two

I think that this is a very innovative thing. First off the fact that they have come up with this type of system is complete genius. When I am in a classroom I hope that I am able to incorporate these tools into my classroom. I feel that having students at such a young age expose to the usage of posting and reading on website, watching podcast and having the ability to access everything at your fingertips will help them in there life all around. Even though that kids have the ability to post, reply and read whatever they want to on the sight. Before they are given access to writing anything everything goes through there teacher so to make sure that they things that are being posted of good contents. A group of three help to create the wonderful program call SUSD. The three people consisted of two IT staff member and one curriculum specialist. This will also take school to the next level for kids The thing that bothers me the most about everything is the simple fact that most school district have not adapted to this sort of learn. I think that the reason why schools will not be attracted to this is the simple fact that not all students will be able to have access for multiple reasons.

1. How many people did it take to construct the SUSD and what were there titles? It was a group of three and it was two IT staff members and a curriculum specialist.
2. How will students be monitor so that prohibited content will not be posted or read while on the sight? Each teacher is the monitor and there students will need an online approval for anything being written and posted to the sight.

Journal Number One

I read the article Your Google Guide and found it to be a very entertaining read. When you first start reading the journal it starts off by briefly going over what Google is. Next it talks about what I might be using it for from searching sports to searching certain people, ect. It states that the world Google can be modify into a verb “googled” which means that you have enter something in the Google search bar and searched. Once that has been done it will bring up a whole bunch of different sights that pertain to what you have Google. This is one of the most help sights out there today and it is usually one of the first sights you go to when you go onto the Internet if it isn’t your home page already. As you read on you come to find that there is more to googling then just the basics. Once you are on the sight you are able to advance your search for more specific things that you are searching for. Other helpful tools that are at your fingertips are Google image search, scholar search, book search and Google maps. All these tools come a long with this website. So if you only knew the basics of Google now you can consider yourself a more advance user of the application.

1. What type of verb is used in partner with Google? The verb that is partner with Google is "googling".
2. What are the different tools that come along with Google besides just searching website? The other tools you can use are image search, scholar search, book search and Google maps

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Experience

Since I was about 5 years old I have had access to some type of computer. The reason I have been subjected to computers at such a young age was because of my mother. She has always stress the fact that computers are going to be very important tool. Since high school I have become accustom you using the computer to do projects, research and following up on important current events. Going to school has also help me to develop my computer in not only browsing the web but also basic computer applications words, powerpoint and excel. So as you can see over the years I have had the pleasure of using and understanding different aspects of a computer.

In 2008 I finish my bachelor's degree in Communication. After being in the working world for the last year I have come to find out that I wanted to become a teacher. Since I have decided to pursue teaching I have had the opportunity to help out in different school settings. Fist I help video tape a school play. Next I had to privilege of observing a PE class. I learn that you need to keep kind of a tight leash so your kids to not get out of line. My last and most memorable experience was working in a children shelter for kids who come from an abusive home. All of these experience have made me want to become a teacher.

I hope that I learn to be more up to date with the times. I believe that the tools that I learn with help with new and innovative ways of teaching. With the tools I will become a better teacher and will have the ability to incorporate these tools into my different lesson plans. I hope to learn as much as I can in EDU 422.